Looking Toward the Future
For those seeking an up-close encounter with local wildlife, Hawthorn Hollow is raising funds for a Wildlife Observation Blind and Wetland Education Station for optimal viewing of Chorus Pond’s many animals. Visitors will someday be able to watch in awe as birds take flight, mammals forage, and the beauty of nature unfolds before their eyes.
Conservation and protecting wildlife habitat is also a top priority for Hawthorn Hollow. We recently opened 2.5 miles of additional trails and purchased new educational signs that were installed throughout the property. While we are excited to share these new additions with the public, increased visitation and trail expansion can't negatively affect the native wildlife. To ensure the protection of wildlife and their habitats, Hawthorn Hollow is committed to finding new ways for the public to enjoy and appreciate nature up close with as little impact as possible.
*These photos are inspirational
- The blind will be placed close enough to Chorus Pond, a pond within our newly restored wetland complex, to allow visitors to witness local wildlife that frequents the area. Having an observation blind at Hawthorn Hollow will allow visiting students from the Racine, Kenosha, and Milwaukee school districts to learn more about our region’s lakes and wetlands and the importance of preserving them.
- While visiting the observation blind, students and other visitors will be able to learn about the different wildlife found in Wisconsin ponds and wetlands through observation and interactive educational materials. They will also be able to hear samples of sounds from the unique songbirds, migratory waterfowl, and amphibian species that can be found in our wetlands.
- The strategy to build the observation blind will be to minimize the impact of construction on the wetland and local wildlife.
- The design will also ensure that the structure’s boardwalk and blind will last after decades of use. Working with Custom Bridges and Boardwalks, a local company that specializes in this form of construction, will help Hawthorn Hollow achieve these goals. Custom Bridges and Boardwalks recently constructed a boardwalk through Hawthorn Hollow’s restored wetland area as well as a large forest canopy overlook in the Sanctuary’s garden.
*Inspirational photo taken from the Heckrodt Wetland Reserve's Wetland Education Station
With the help of a public fundraising campaign, funding from the Natural Resources Foundation Quiet Trails Fund, and assistance from organizations, Hawthorn Hollow hopes to begin construction of the wildlife blind and wetland education station in the fall of 2024.
You can join this new and exciting addition to Hawthorn Hollow! Please consider supporting this project by donating to one of the following tiers:
$25 +: Recognized in our publications
$100 + : Recognized on a group plaque on the wildlife observation blind
Sustaining Supporters
$500 + : Prominently recognized on a group plaque on the wildlife observation blind
Top Supporters
$10,000 + : Separate plaque with company/personal branding for the wildlife observation blind
Help us bring this new experience to Hawthorn Hollow!